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朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁

来源: 文化视界 2025-03-02 09:20:54


朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁





朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁


朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁


朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁


朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁

Breaking Free from the Shackles of Appearance,

 Exploring the Core of Emotion: A Review of Zhu Mingtao's 

Angry Birds

朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁

In the diverse landscape of contemporary art, Zhu Mingtao's work Angry Birds is like a unique star, breaking the narrative boundaries of traditional art with its highly impactful abstract expression.

朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁

Visually, this work completely abandons the representational depiction of birds. Instead, it constructs the picture through wild brushstrokes and intense clashes of colors. Thick black lines spread out unrestrainedly like vines, intertwining with bright and dynamic yellows and reds, as if the veins of emotions are growing wildly on the canvas. The large - scale application of colors interspersed with delicate brushstrokes creates rich visual layers, as if presenting anger in different dimensions.

朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁

In the context of art, it can be regarded as an extension and innovation of Abstract Expressionism. The artist does not convey anger through specific images but allows viewers to explore the depth of emotions on their own in the labyrinth of colors and lines. This creative approach echoes the complexity and inexpressibility of individual emotions in modern society. Anger is no longer a simple emotional outburst but is transformed into an artistic symbol for interpretation and reflection.

朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁

Angry Birds is not only an expression of the artist's personal emotions but also triggers viewers' thinking about the essence of emotions. It reminds us that behind the seemingly chaotic abstract forms lie the shared emotional experiences of humanity. This work goes beyond the surface of art appreciation, leading us into a spiritual realm full of unknowns and exploration. In the dance of colors and lines, we can re - examine the emotional waves deep within our hearts.



朱明弢《愤怒的小鸟》 | 挖掘了情绪的深度,挣脱了表象的枷锁









2023 匆匆一瞥的图像——朱明弢个展,北京千年时间画廊

2022 这个夏天——朱明弢个展,千年时间艺术中心

2021 记忆的项目之江南园林,江西南昌

2016 “青云·观想”个人油画展,南昌

2015 “记忆的项目”个人油画作品展,北京

2014 “景深”朱明弢个人油画展,北京

2012 “住园生心”朱明弢个人油画展,北京

2012 “忆园”朱明弢个人油画展,南昌

2011 “小国寡民”朱明弢个人油画展,南昌


2022/10 第14届哈瓦那双年展,古巴哈瓦那

2019/10 隐现意志与形式——中国当代艺术展,匈牙利布达佩斯

2017/10 第11届佛罗伦萨国际当代艺术双年展,意大利佛罗伦萨

2017/2 法国巴黎大皇宫艺术财富沙龙展,法国巴黎

[ 责任编辑:周龙 ]
