展览名称 | Exhibition Name:
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展览地点 | Venue:
采艺术中心 UArt Center
Building 2,Shenyuli,Shanghai Suhewan MIXC WORLD,Zhejiang North Road,Jing AnDistrict,Shanghai.
春光作序,万物和鸣。由UArt Center采艺术中心、 中国实学研究会社会美育专业委员会主办,中央美术学院教授马菁汝女士策展的《彩韵 ——一束鲜红一束淡绿》 王海燕艺术个展正热烈开展中。
四季平安No.12 160x160cm 布面油彩 2023
淡如菊No.9 50x50cm 布面油彩 2019
铃兰花No.1 布面油彩 60x50cm 2024
Flower is a poetic subject matter that is cherished by numerous artists from ancient to modern times. Artists use flowers to express their feelings and original temperament, so it is with Haiyan. Different from ancient artists, Haiyan, who admires traditional culture, lives in a vivid modern world which provides a lot of inspiration and telepathy. Blooming peony, pomegranate in fullness, dragonflies and butterflies flying by as well as tempting colors all constitute her continuous experience and memory.
Zhang Xiaoling, former vice president of the China National Academy of Painting and dean of the Academy of Fine Arts of East China Normal University
绽放的花No.14 29.7x42.2cm纸本色粉2023
绽放的花No.15 42.2x29.7cm 纸本色粉 2023
In recent years, she had a particular eye for the Chinese traditional arts, especially appreciating and understanding the folk arts, the paternal forms of Chinese arts. I always believe that folk arts are rooted in the essence of “auspiciousness”. Folk art is also an art to pursuit good luck and happiness, using techniques such as allegory, symbolization, and homophony to create infinite meanings. This can be seen in every detail and every aspect of our lives, playing a part to exert influence on us all. It contributes to optimistic quality and resistance of the Chinese people through hardships.
So every folk art image is both concrete and abstract, and even imagery. It is more than an individual image, but something beyond form and image itself, a symbolic existence as a condensed expression in the Chinese art and cultural languages. This particularly attracts Haiyan. Her footsteps p from Han portraits, Dunhuang frescoes, porcelain patters, folk paper-cutting, embroidery, to New Year paintings.
Pan Lusheng, Deputy Chairman of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, President of Shangdong University of Art and Design
绽放的花No.20 41x32cm 纸本色粉 2024
绽放的花No.21 41x32cm 纸本色粉 2024
Deng Yizhe places high priority on differentiating painting from depicting as explained in Rites of Zhou, that painting is about lining, and depicting is about coloring. To Deng, he thinks that in the later trends of Chinese traditional paintings, painting is prioritized while depicting is under-valued. It is believed that painting is the work of the literati, and depicting is just a skill of craftsmen. He also acknowledged that in the later developments, the difference between painting and depicting is less prominent. In the literati paintings, painting plays a bigger role than depicting, while in the realistic paintings, depicting is the main focus.
In Haiyan’s works, we can observe a game between painting and depicting. On one side, there are free lines that are not covered by colors as in sketching; on the other side, we can also observe abundant colors that are free from any lines. In order to tell apart the lines and colors, it is her practice to consciously have particular placement or positioning of these elements. The contrast and reconciliation of lines and colors in her works contributes to her uniqueness.
Peng Feng, Dean of the School of Art, Peking University, art critic
绽放的花No.24 32x46cm 纸本色粉 2024
绽放的花 No.25 41x37.5cm 纸本色粉 2024
Haiyan's works have the advantages of simplicity, clarity, and refinement, and create their own painting style through clear visual images. She must want to achieve these advantages, rationality, calmness, wisdom, and passion, so that the sensibility can get rid of itself and enter an orderly state, and develop into a perfect principle.
Yan Ping, Professor at Renmin University of China.
蝴蝶兰 No.2 27x39cm 纸本水彩 2024
蝴蝶兰 No.3 39x27cm 纸本水彩 2024
It is apparent that Haiyan has her own unique concepts attached to flowers, for first she does not only express the liveliness to the flowers, and second, she does not adopt symbolic meanings to flowers. She utilizes the folk art metaphors to construct connections between human and reality via converting pure visual sensation of aesthetics. We should not see her works just for the visual aesthetics of the paintings, but also the Chinese folk art connotations as we can see that she includes flowers from different seasons in one painting. It is a common technique adopted by Chinese folk artists by randomly modularizing flowers, fruits, and insects from different times, or people, subjects, scenarios from different seasons in one picture. Fine wishes are vested in the life experiences and customs. The metaphors are seen everywhere in the floral realm created by Haiyan in her works, diverting her strong feelings to a focus on interest on society and culture, and mashing tactfully the passions of modern people into the cultural realm.
Gu Liming, Artist professor supervisor, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
蝴蝶 No.20 18x26cm 纸本水彩 2024
蝴蝶 No.15 18x26cm 纸本水彩 2024
方格系列No.1 110x110cm 丝毛绒围巾 2024
丝巾 110x110cm 丝毛绒方巾 2024
(来源:UArt Center采艺术中心)