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来源: 文化视界 2023-12-10 09:30:01






Exhibition Information









(文/乔纳斯·斯坦普(Jonas Stampe) 2023年11月12日

Zhou Jingxin : Being With Painting

Zhou Jingxin's way of seeing reveals a powerful intuitive thought, or more profoundly, a particular way of being with painting that evokes the notion of poïetics, or the aesthetics of doing. A theory developed by the French philosopher and poet Paul Valéry and popularised by Harold Rosenberg in relation to American abstract action painting, in which the act of painting itself is of essence. It asserts that what is important to understand about painting is not only the formal end result, the final composition of lines, colours, tones and motifs, but the drama that the artist has lived out on the paper or canvas, how it came to be what it is. For Zhou Jingxin, this poietics, this moment of drama, of painterly action, is not limited to the act itself, but extends to the time before his hands, eyes and mind magically fuse the ink-water with the paper to unite them as one and create a new reality.

The time leading up to the decisive painterly act is crucial for Zhou Jingxin and his way of being with painting, which starts with the artist looking to find a suitable motif in for instance a garden in Suzhou or Nanjing.  It is a method and procedure that can take a long time since the natural scene is essential to his work, yes crucial, in that he will paint it repeatedly, from the same spot and the same angle, at times for as long as 12 days. Nothing less, nothing more, in a numerological reference to the 12 zodiac signs, the 12 years, the body’s 12 meridian pathways, and the 12 months based on the balance of yin and yang. Furthermore this procedure is based on a personal challenge, to explore his own mind and optics, to investigate if he can paint from the same place and angle, with the same perspective over and over again without repeating himself. But more importantly if he can find a new idea on the same subject, a new perspective, a new dialogue.

As we understand Zhou Jingxin's contemporary approach to painting is decisively conceptual, historically referring to Claude Monet idea to paint the same subject repeatedly in varying conditions. From the Haystacks (1889) to the Rouen Cathedral (1892) or the London Parliament in Westminster (1899) Monet painted at different moments of the day, as to explore distinctly different natural lights and atmospheres while using the same motif, perspective and visual angle, exploring in detail the effects of natural light and study the interplay of shadows, colour and highlights. A method and concept which as we know influenced Andy Warhol in his use of one photographic source image as a serial motif to explore different forms and colours and emotional articulations. Zhou Jingxin's objective for his part is to investigate his own inner potential capacity to change his visual perspective, to “polish his eyes” as he so poetically puts it, “as if it is the first time I see this scene, I have to find a new idea.”

Zhou Jingxin painting is all about concept and new ideas, making him think long and hard before going to bed at night what he was going to do the next day. The motif would still be the same, it wouldn't change from the day before, but in his need to invent a new dialogue with it, his artistic problem was how to speak to the scenery differently. How could he articulate something new in his own visual language, with his own artistic vocabulary? Zhou Jingxin realised that he needed to disrupt himself in terms of ideas, not to think about how he used to do things, how he used to paint gardens, but to find new possibilities, to think afresh, to question and change his past ideas, perspectives and forms. "I had to disrupt myself in terms of my painting method, not to perpetuate old habits, my usual ideas and painting methods". An articulated self-awareness of the need to change artistic praxis in order to develop something new, of the necessity of being with painting as a concept.

When Zhou Jingxin begins his 12-day painting series, he spends more time looking at the scene than painting it. He moves and walks around the site, looking everywhere, in all directions, to the front, above and below, to stimulate and trigger a dynamic way of seeing. His perception is sometimes influenced by visitors passing by the scene, whose voices, comments, figures and even breaths he integrates as invisible parts of the picture. Although these human details are not directly visible they are sensorially implied by Zhou Jingxin through what he calls a "dynamic observation". Perceiving, thinking and thinking again, with the critical imagination of his own vision, shaped by the aim of renewing his language and perspective, his seeing and being with painting.

Before Zhou Jingxin makes the decisive and unalterable act of no return to put ink and water on paper, to fuse them for eternity, he explores, thinks and plans, observes and thinks again, identifying himself with his subject, be it a fish or a plant. If his eyes and mind are his inner studio, the natural landscape in front of him is the trigger for his imagination and soul to articulate his innermost feelings in ever new ways. It is a work ritual of dramatic significance. Not only for the energy, concentration and focus it generates, but for the visual depth and sensitivity it articulates when the feeling and the moment are right and he begins to attack the flat white paper in front of him.

Zhou Jingxin has said that in his quest to transcend his practice, he sometimes identifies with his motifs in an anthropomorphic way, whether fauna or flora, formulating an almost animistic approach to nature. When he draws a fish, a tree or a blade of grass, he always thinks and imagines what kind of character it has. Sometimes the plant under the rock looks very good and he imagines himself as a small beetle, crouching under the plant and looking up. A position that changes his perspective of the plant and makes him paint it very high and tall. Zhou Jingxin recalls that in the later part of his 12-day painting expedition, the plant began to look like a person who kept changing clothes or identities, and after a while even began to talk to him.

Zhou Jingxin is a painter whose compositional eloquence and palette, articulated by light and softly nuanced brushstrokes in shades of grey, white and black, impress the viewer with their visual logic and rational sensitivity. Architecture and nature are two recurring motifs in Zhou Jingxin's paintings. The man-made and the natural, as a dual and dialectical signifier of the world and the coexistence of man and nature. Buildings and pavilions, or even shrines, are symbolic representations of human life and civilisation, and often placed at a distance in Zhou Jingxin's pictorial universe. These two invisible metaphors of meaning become the essential signifiers of human civilisation and nature. The two signifiers formulate a compositional relationship that is sometimes balanced and sometimes less stable, articulating a subtle but constant tension. Where architecture, as a metaphor for humanity, is represented with a slight inclination and mostly in the background of the landscape. On the other hand, nature, represented by grass leaves, trees, plants or bushes, is stable and composed in a horizontal or vertical configuration, giving stability to the four-sided pictorial space. The slightly tilted perspective of the pavilions and temples gives a sense of dynamism to the spatial composition, which is further accentuated by the foreground-background relationship of pictorial space.

Zhou Jingxin is a painter whose compositional eloquence and palette, articulated by light and softly nuanced brushstrokes in shades of grey, white and black, impress the viewer with their visual logic and rational sensitivity. Zhou Jingxin  finds a dynamic balance in his expression of speed and control, expansion and contraction, movement and stillness, articulating a vitality informed by a powerful sense of constant change. They translate an open and free yet focused vision of the subject at hand into a formal vocabulary that evokes both an ancient tradition and a distinctly contemporary visual language of being with painting.

The constant mutation and evolving sublimation makes us all learn from what we see, associate and label. There is movement in nature as well as in architecture, in the painted body, which opens up new worlds and emotions of understanding. Life is a state of fleeting moments that affect our minds and hearts, they are never the same, but always in constant flux and change. What is true today is not always true tomorrow, the relativity of existence in the landscape, in the tilted pavilion, in the slender, thin plant that stands-up and grows in front of the rock and the mountain, touches our eyes and perhaps our souls. There is a fragility in the stable natural environment, a grey-black and white fluid movement that can only be felt through the slow thought of deep contemplation.

Zhou Jingxin's work is both light and dense, expressing movement with a sense of fullness and weight, as in his Yuyuan garden landscapes. At times, however, Zhou Jingxin employs the visual philosophy of intentional void, as in his series of life-size portraits (2015) or like in the series exhibited here, Swimming (2019), in which he depicts various species of fish, crabs and amphibian salamanders that inhabit our oceans.  The white emptiness that surrounds the figures has a spiritual resonance, with a spatial hierarchy and philosophical meaning developed over millennia. The visual style of intentional void directs the viewer's experience through a contrast between emptiness and solid form, a formal element in Chinese painting that emphasises the value of silence, following Laozi's concept that 'great music is without sound, great form is without shape'.

The intentional void, also poetically described as 'the remaining jade', is used as a tool to open up the unlimited imagination of the viewer. An instrument of perception psychology that acts as a optical trigger and mind opener to stimulate visual participation, drawing the viewer into the picture. The intended void articulates the almighty diversity of values that permeate Chinese culture through Daoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Formulated in the Prajñāpāramitā-hrdhaya or Buddhist Heart Sutra as: "Form is no different from emptiness; emptiness is no different from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form.  Or as Laozi put it in his Dao De Jing: "Everything on earth is born from being, but being is born from the nothingness of Dao". Zhou Jingxin  reference to the deepest concepts of Chinese philosophy simply by using a deliberately empty white space that equally surrounds his figures, whether humans or fish. It is a compositional tool and a spiritual metaphor of meaning, inviting the viewer's gaze and participation while referring to a pictorial tradition of ages.

In the series exhibited here, "游", we see aquatic animals swimming in different directions within the four-sided picture frame. They swim to the right, to the left, up and down, towards and away from the viewer, and are depicted in profile, frontally or simply from above. Zhou Jingxin's freedom of perspective and optics within the emptiness of the void, the shapeless form of the element, differs from his garden paintings. Here, a similar perspective and point of view is repeated, but in another way, as if to this time around, polish our eyes. Yet both series share the same compositional eloquence and palette, articulated by light and soft, subtly nuanced brushstrokes.

These aquatic animal portraits by Zhou Jingxin are not just fish types, but are given personality through facial features that lend them an almost human expression. One of them expresses fear, another anger, while a third seems to navigate the white void with sadness. The articulation of human emotions transposed and expressed in these aquatic animal portraits demands attention. It asks the viewer to give them time, for if they are only glanced at quickly, they will appear simply as representations of the category fish and not as the characters they are actually portrayed to be. The viewer's distance and speed must be replaced by closeness and attention, in order to see detail, the small brushstroke at the corner of the mouth, or the feature that shapes the eye, the gaze, the light and the reflection that Zhou Jingxin endows each of them, in order to discover the very individual expression of each animal.

In order to fully appreciate these portraits, it is absolutely worthwhile, even necessary, to get up close and look in detail, to identify with the feeling and look into the big eyes of the different characters. Which so well articulate Zhou Jingxin's artistic talent, his empathy and ability to identify and transmit. Seen within a broader spectrum, these aquatic animal portraits appears as metaphors, as an emotional mirror of our times, of the human condition, with their sense of being lost in an environment of shapeless emptiness, alone and yet together, swimming in melancholy in all directions, seen and made visible from every possible perspective.

The dialectical dynamism of ink and brush in Zhou Jingxin's work makes it clear that he paints not only with his body and mind, his hands and eyes, his intuitive logic. He paints also with time and an profound awareness of speed, of the ephemeral moment when the ink-water blends with the paper. He paints portraits of fishes, as well as of friends, of nature and buildings, with passion and poetry, with a logic driven by an imagination in which every creature and plant has a place, a meaning and a role. Zhou Jingxin's heart-mind perception is coupled with a conceptual awareness, of seeing and being, of doing and understanding the bigger picture, inherent in the two main problems of painting: how to look at tradition and how to look at oneself. In Zhou Jingxin's work, representation and reality are never articulated as simple dependencies, but rather as a complex and subtle relationship. Truth is not always in balance, the mirror is not always made up of light waves, but also of personal emotions. Dynamic equilibrium is a given result of nature, a regulator of all humans with their wavering perspectives and tilted  emotional architecture.

A continuous moment of constant transformation, life and art function in parallel with humans as receivers and transmitters. It is we and the earth that rotate, not the sun or the work of art, it is we who give meaning to art and painting in the natural speed and rotation of our understanding. This is manifest in Zhou Jingxin's work, a non-dualism that accepts and embraces contradiction, yet articulates a craft in which the brush imparts a sense of structure. Where the vocabulary and style of the brush and the ink of wood, fire and water, embodies a philosophical truth that spiritually explores the relationship between everything in the world, man and the universe, in a highly personal and individual way. Zhou Jingxin 's work removes opposites and introduces a spiritual balance of an almost metaphysical nature between man and his natural environment. There is life, there is hope, there is nature and there is the nothingness of being.  Heaven and humanity are finally one.

 Jonas Stampe, 12 Nov 2023


Selected Artworks

“写生灵——周京新水墨作品展”今日在江苏开幕艳惊系列之一 纸本水墨 53x228cm 2018

“写生灵——周京新水墨作品展”今日在江苏开幕艳惊系列之四 纸本水墨 53x228cm 2018

“写生灵——周京新水墨作品展”今日在江苏开幕游系列之三 纸本水墨 53x228cm 2019

“写生灵——周京新水墨作品展”今日在江苏开幕游系列之十一 纸本水墨 53x228cm 2019





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