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源于希腊 凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

来源: 文化视界 2022-04-21 10:12:46 阅读量:159954
  The World of Geometry series offers a way of looking at the world. Originating in ancient Greece, geometry is the way in which people perceive the world.

The world of geometry(几何的世界)

I was born in the late 1980s and I lived in a time when every aspect of society was changing after the reform and opening up. Every stage of my life has been marked by reform and experimentation. I was part of the "experimented" generation. I was in an "experimental class" in primary school, and I went through teaching reforms in junior and senior high school. Everything seems so uncertain, and in the midst of rapid change, people have no more options and have to adapt quickly to this uncertainty and change. The country's quest to develop and catch up with the developed countries of the world is just as demanding on young people. Everyone seems to be on edge, seemingly in constant pursuit of something, but not so sure of what they really want inside. Everyone is responding to the country's call to do the most in the shortest possible time, but they don't feel satisfied or relaxed about it. Everything in my world is full of change and today is different from yesterday. But have we really become happier? I often wonder, and I miss the past. Perhaps I don't have any particularly outstanding talents, just a heart for peace and good things, like most people. I like geometry because it is pure and free. In the last few years I have devoted myself to finding a way I can use to represent the world, with a learned friend of mine with whom I often discuss everything about the world. We share the same love and vision of divine beauty. Here are some of my reflections, and if I can make it all a little less boring for you, then I have fulfilled this small wish.

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《春日山中》108_46.5cm 综合材料 2022

The World of Geometry series offers a way of looking at the world. Originating in ancient Greece, geometry is the way in which people perceive the world. Geometry is the archetype of nature, the origin of the world. The Bible - the Gospel of John - opens with the words, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. The Tao is God." In Laozi's Tao Te Ching, there is also the idea that "Tao gives birth to one, one to two, two to three, and three to everything". Although the two come from very different cognitive systems, the "God" is our Creator, the law of the vast universe.

Different spatial and spiritual dimensions have completely different perceptions of the world. The same problems have different interpretations at a higher cognitive level. Geometry is not only a way of representing and perceiving the world, it is the most minimal way of conveying information. If the five elements are the elements that construct everything in the world, then the archetype that constructs the visual world is geometry, which, through its different permutations and combinations, creates a thousand different effects; it is the square root, itself already a form of minimalism. The finite and the infinite, order and disorder are all ways of constructing everything, and order and anti-order are equally legitimate. At different points in history, in time, we see the different stages of things, and it is in temporality that the integrity of things exists. I have tried to record them, to discover the intriguing bits and pieces in the interplay of reality and fantasy.

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《春天的山林》47_31cm 综合材料 2022

Geometry first originated in ancient Greece, and similar representations of the verified world are found in Buddhism in the East. Any world view has a corresponding influence on human ideas, moral values, forms of governmental organisation and other human systems. No cosmologist, no matter how hard he tries, can avoid having a broad impact on the world outside his area of expertise. Modern society and modern ways of thinking are largely the product of modern cosmology. Westerners have tried to understand the mysteries of the universe through axiomatic and rigorously argued approaches. Easterners interpreted the world through evidential, philosophical and arithmetical approaches.

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《冬景色》20_40cm 绢本设色 2021

Traditional cosmology and geometry revolve around a central point which has no dimensions. Galileo once said, "This magnificent work of the universe is written in a mathematical language in which the words are triangles, circles and other geometric figures. If you do not understand these figures, you will know nothing about it." The contemporary era is one of uncertainty, of many realities and potential confusion, while at the same time it is a time of revealing truth. The richness and complexity of life cannot be described in simple patterns or ways; all geometry can do is provide a way of seeing, yet the precision and complexity and variety of everything in the world is far beyond the reach of words and images. The great Japanese Zen scholar, Suzuki Daizo, said, "The ultimate answer to life cannot be provided by thought." Intellectual 'yes' and 'no' can be very convenient when things are going in the usual order. But once the ultimate questions of life arise, the intellect cannot give satisfactory answers. This is as true of Zen as it is of art. Geometry is not the ultimate, not that which exists before all time, for that which is not to be spoken of, nor described in images. Geometry is only one of the millions of ways of describing it, a finger pointing to the moon, a medium for linking any two or more things.

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《湖》40_50cm 绢本设色 2021

Logic and order are present everywhere in life. The hierarchical structure of our society, the structure of our cities and villages, the structure of our transport systems, the structure of our economy, the structure of our culture and so on, all require a rigorous set of orders to be maintained, otherwise they would fall into chaos. Geometry itself is the embodiment of order. Through the author's perspective, everything in the natural world is distilled, summarised and sorted out to form a new idea of order and hierarchy. It provides a new perspective for people to think about modern society and nature.

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《两重天》86_20cm 综合材料 2017 

In the face of major catastrophic dilemmas, it is all the more necessary for man to re-establish unparalleled solid structures, like geometry, interlocking with each other and combining to become the most solid structure of all, a human structure with enormous energy, a community of human destiny. Geometry means cohesion, the power of solidarity. Solid, organic, intimately connected to each other. Together against distress.

In one sense, geometry is the symbol of the world. The world is constructed from symbols, and geometry is the collection of all symbols. Each symbol has a kernel and an extension. All have an infinite variety of interpretations. A symbol is expressive, has content, has an individual character. It distils emotions, stories and the deeper meaning of things. If you look into it, you will find all that richness and the stories that belong to it.Yue Yichuan  岳一川


源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《晴天》80_40cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《秋山图》150_40cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《水边松》20_40cm 绢本设色 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《万物生》190_150cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《望蓬莱》46_24cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《小行星》80_40cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《美好的一天》 38.5_154cm 综合材料 2017

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《凤凰山》92_157cm 综合材料 2019

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《美好的一天》 38.5_154cm 综合材料 2017

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《启程》80_40cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《山音》 86.5_124.5cm 综合材料 2017 

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《仙霞山》111_20cm 绢本设色 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《小世界》39_117cm 综合材料 2021

源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”

《一天》510cm_170cm 综合材料 2018


源于希腊  凝视世界——青年画家岳一川用色彩表现“几何的世界”


个展:2019 “黑山” | 798集祥艺术中心 | 北京。

群展:2020“孤独展” | 古美艺术中心 | 上海;2020 繁星计划青年艺术展 | 树美术馆 | 北京;2019“景致内外”v空间当代艺术展 | 798v空间 | 北京;2019“学院新方阵——新粉本” | 今日美术馆 | 北京;2019“斯图加特”中德艺术家交流展 | 贾平凹文化艺术馆;2018 北京青年美术双年展 | 世纪坛美术馆;2018“云路”群展 | 亦安画廊。

奖项:2019 作品曾入选联合国非物质文化遗产、美国集邮集团、欧洲集邮集团联合出品“庆祝建国70周年主题邮票”出版并发行;作品曾获“衍艺圈”中国当代艺术新锐征集大奖赛当代实力奖。

[ 责任编辑:陈雅雯 ]
