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来源: 文化视界 2024-07-13 10:41:01



He Wenjue Solo Exhibition



2024.6.15 - 2024.7.14




Parkview Green Art


侨福芳草地B座LG2-K-14 (100020)

 No. K-14, LG2 Floor, B Tower,

 Parkview Green FangCaoDi, 

No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, 

Chaoyang District, Beijing, China (100020)





In your creative process did you focus on the shift from painterly language to sculptural one? For examples the works belonging to “The Five Elements” series display similarities with painting. If installed on a wall, people will contemplate the works of this series at the eye level. What do you think about different expressive forms for specific subject matters? What kind of themes are more suitable for three- dimensional works and what kind of subject matters are better for paintings? 


I have been taken into consideration some elements of Chinese traditional culture. For example, in “The Five Elements”, how should I represent metal, wood, water, fire and earth? I have been doing research on the Internet and I found out that metal for example is represented by a triangle, water by several waves. To set the direction and the right path is the starting point for the creation. This information inspired me but then I had to image how to represent it. Those elements are commonly used in traditional Chinese culture but then I had to find a way to re-elaborate them: it doesn’t work if you follow the original representation. So this series of works is based on some visual representation of the five elements.


△ 金木水火土 Gold, 2016

瓷 Porcelain,

51 × 45 × 8 cm × 5pcs


In terms of selection of subject matter, do you plan it before or is it a casual decision?


I don’t really plan it, it is rather casual. For example, even if “Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai” tells a beautiful love story, it also addresses issues related to death. It is made of ceramic but also painting: composed by more than 1000 butterflies, once hang on the wall, is very big and beautiful. At that time, I was sitting in a cafeteria in Jingdezhen when I suddenly noticed a butterfly by the window and I immediately wanted to represent it. In the case of the work “Love to Death”, I was eating in a restaurant when I saw a man with a box full of roses with the character of “Love” on them. I found it very interesting and I started to think how I could have turned into a work of art. After the meal, I went back to my studio to work on a few sketches. I did not represent red roses as I found them rather vulgar. I choose white color instead as it is related to the theme of death. Once I felt the right mood, I started to work on the creation.


△ 死了都要爱 Love & Death, 2014-2015

瓷 Porcelain,

210 × 108 × 12cm


“Golden Age” addresses issues related to lust: where did you find the inspiration for this work?


As an artist, inspiration comes from feelings and emotions of real life.


As for the previous work, you mentioned that a box of flowers gave you inspiration. So what inspired you for this work about lust?


I think it was falling in love.


The expressive form of this group of work is abstract? Why didn’t you chose a more realistic form?


It would have been too straightforward. I titled it “Golden Age” as it represents a society characterized by materialism. Many things in life are linked to materialism so people will think about gold and its power. Artists should be good at extracting elements from the real-life and then representing them in an abstract form.


△ 黄金时代 Golden Age, 2016

镀金陶瓷 Ceramic Gold Plated,

38.5×38×3cm; 48×21×4cm; 38.5×38×3cm


So this work encompasses metaphors of power and lust.


Yes, gold represents power and the black holes represent lust.


How would you define a high-quality work of art? 


It's just my own feeling. Beauty doesn’t have absolute standards, it depends on how people see it. Some people think simple things are beautiful; other people think bright things are beautiful. Everyone is different and there are no standardized concepts. Take ceramics as an example. Before the firing process, it is just a piece of mud. After the firing process, it will amaze you. Why is it like this! There are things beyond our imagination. So, each time I look forward to opening the kiln and see how it looks like, it nurtures my imagination. This is ceramic, where there's a whole world of unexpected surprises.


△ 丰碑 Monunment, 2014-2015

瓷 Porcelain,

36 × 36 × 94cm


This unpredictability makes ceramic a very charming material.


Yes, the realm of the unknown.


Did the inspiration for “Gathering Wealth” come from the Jadeite Cabbage displayed at the Taipei National Palace Museum?


Yes, when I went to Taipei National Palace Museum, I saw the Jadeite Cabbage surrounded by many visitors: I got an urge to create. I couldn’t afford to use jade or jadeite and I felt that ceramic is not the right material. I decided to use coloured glaze and to make 100 cabbage to highlight the metaphorical allegory with the homophonic character of gathering wealth.


△ 百财 Bai Cai, 2012-2015

琉璃 Coloured Glaze


So your creative cues are based on episodic inspiration, right?


Yes, it can be said that most of the time it jumped out randomly, however there is a thematic coherence. Naturally creation is influenced by personal life experience and by what you learn and study.


Could you share with us subject matters that you would like to work on lately? 


In fact, my greatest dream in life is not just artistic creation. I have an utopia that I have been pursuing all my life. It is my obsession with collecting ancient art. I would very much like to do an exhibition integrating my collections with my painting, but unfortunately I still haven’t found the right opportunity.


艺术家工作室 © 何汶玦

Artist's studio © He Wenjue


What kind of objects do you collect? Just ceramics?


I do have some ceramics, but mainly are jade objects. Ancient jade, jade from the Neolithic Age, such as cong and bi and bronzes from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, etc.


How long have you been collecting for?


Few decades, but my family started collecting since the late Qing dynasty.


艺术家工作室 © 何汶玦

Artist's studio © He Wenjue


Did the collection exert an influence in your creations?


Absolutely not, they are two different things for me.


How many pieces do you have roughly in your collection?


Probably several thousand pieces. I currently want to do an exhibition combining pieces from my collection and my works. It is a new series of works in different materials.


艺术家工作室 © 何汶玦

Artist's studio © He Wenjue


Would you like to incorporate these ancient artifacts in your works?


I don’t think so. I will still use modern materials. This exhibition should include pieces of my personal collection and new works created around them.


We are looking forward to seeing this project. Thank you very much for this interview.


Thank you for the invitation.



About the Artist



1970 出生于中国湖南

1989-1993 深圳大学现代艺术学士

1994-1997 中央美术学院第九届油画高研班

2003-2006 吉林艺术学院绘画硕士

He Wenjue 

1970 Born in Hunan, China

1989-1993 Bachelor of Modern Art, Shenzhen University

1994-1997 The 9th Oil Painting Advanced Research Program of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

2003-2006 Master of Painting, Jilin University of Arts


He is currently the vice president of Hunan Oil Painting Society, a member of China Artists Association and a member of China Oil Painting Society. He Wenjue’s art, while reflecting contemporary society, is also characterized by a unique and personal style. His creations bring art close to life, while guiding the viewers from a familiar and recognizable dimension to a hidden and unpredictable vast space. His works have been displayed in many institutions both in China and in other countries including  Indonesia, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Malasia, US, Switzerland, France and UK. His works are collected by Museums in China and abroad including Belgium, Indonesia, Switzerland, Spain, etc.

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