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王文·艺术 | 重组与错位

来源: 文化视界 2024-07-26 12:38:21



Wang Wen is a contemporary artist who lives andworks in the eastern Chinese city of Yantai, where he was born in 1985. As withmost interesting artists, his paintings speak of his own personal history aswell as that of the larger world around him. They draw predominantly upontraditional Chinese calligraphic characters which he then seeks to develop intoabstract works which reference western artists such as Jackson Pollock, JeanArp and Mark Rothko. In doing so they reflect a sense of global cultures comingcloser together in harmony whilst drawing distinctly from their owngeographical histories and traditions. To recognise this fully it helps us whenwe understand how our desire to capture the spoken word and communicate ourcommon human experience has been with us for as long as we have been consciousenough to form communities.


In China, the first method which enabled ourthoughts, feelings and beliefs to be recorded was enabled with the developmentof calligraphy during the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD). During this periodcalligraphy was applied to silk, wooden strips and bamboo scrolls which weresewn together with hempen string. These early methods provided the standardmediums for transcribed communication but were either expensive or physicallycumbersome. Then, towards the end of the Han Dynasty paper evolved as a cheaperand more portable alternative. Although early forms of paper had existed inChina since the 2nd century BC, it was the mandarin Cai Lun (50–121 AD)who devised a standardised papermaking process in 105 AD. 


Whilst bamboo and wooden supports were mostlysuitable for calligraphy, the invention of mass produced paper enabled theevolution of painting as an artform alongside the written word. TraditionalChinese painting techniques employ essentially the same methodsas calligraphy, being carried out with a brush dipped in black ink or colouredpigments, with the finished work often being mounted on a scroll. Chinese paperexcels in its ability to absorb water, which causes the ink it draws to blur.As a result, great skill is required in the practice of calligraphy andpainting, which in China is traditionally learned by rote, from a “master”. Inthis way a student learns to copy strictly and continuously until handmovements become instinctive and natural and the flow of ink is perfectlychannelled.


In works such as ‘Fierce’ (2017) and ‘Raise’ (2017) byWang Wen, we see clearly how he has learnt Chinese calligraphic techniques froma master in the traditional way and how he has now become a master himself. Themethods and ideology displayed by Wang demonstrate how he is able to take asingle traditional calligraphic character and ‘explode’ it onto a sheet ofpaper. The gestures are bold and expressive, the brush marks vigorous and assured.It takes great technical skill to achieve this result. However, what is mostinteresting in Wang’s work is the application of an ‘individualistic’ western sensibilityto these traditional Chinese techniques. By applying the ideas and forms of 20thcentury western painters to eastern traditional calligraphy Wang brings twoideas into focus – firstly that calligraphic characters are in fact abstractsymbols in themselves, and secondly that painting can be an expression ofindividual emotion.


What is seen and what is mostbeautifully expressed therefore in Wang’s work is a desire to paint withgreater individuality and creativity whilst still maintaining firm links withthe traditions and practices of eastern antiquity. In doing this he ably fusesthe China of the past with a new China of the 21st century, onewhich is outward looking and international, confident and bold.

(文/罗伯特·普利兹曼Robert Priseman,艺术家、作家、策展人,英国当代绘画协会主席)


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位

《Empty NO1》纸本水墨,50x50cm,2019

王文·艺术 | 重组与错位

《Empty NO2》纸本水墨,50x50cm, 2019

王文·艺术 | 重组与错位

《Empty NO3》纸本水墨,50x50cm, 2019

王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位


王文·艺术 | 重组与错位

《尘埃 NO1》,120x100cm,丙烯;结构胶;纸,2018

王文·艺术 | 重组与错位

《尘埃 NO2》,120x100cm,丙烯;结构胶;;墨;纸;钢钉,2018

王文·艺术 | 重组与错位



王文·艺术 | 重组与错位





2017,The Wall,英国埃塞克斯郡森蒂尼美术馆;







2022,共生世界:2022济南国际双年展平行展——新生代:中青年实验艺术邀请展, 济南美育谷;





2020,与COVID-19的一天,英国伦敦ONLINE GALLERY;








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