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来源: 文化视界 2024-06-02 08:38:59


为庆祝中法建交六十周年,著名艺术家徐适参加的中欧艺术对话法国展,展览于2024年5月21日在法国萨莱莱多德Sallèles-d'Aude隆重举行、法国奥德省纳博讷区萨莱莱多德Sallèles-d'Aude第一副市长多米尼克·特里莱斯 Dominique Trilles女士参加了中欧艺术对话展开幕式并致辞。此次画展由中国李可染画院、中国国韵文华书画院主办,全欧华人专业协会联合会、全法中网科技工作者协会、Expert Invest投资公司、南部法国艺术及文学创作中心共同协办,由中国文化艺术发展促进会交流部、中华人民共和国驻法大使馆文化处、中华人民共和国驻马赛总领事馆共同支持。


Famous artist Xu Shi's Sino-European Art Dialogue Exhibition opens in France

In order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the famous artist Xu Shi participated in the China-Europe Art Dialogue France Exhibition, which was held on May 21, 2024 in Sallèles-d'Aude, France, and Sallèles-d'Au, Salles-d'Au, Nabone, Aude-de-de-de-France. Ms. Dominique Trilles, the first deputy mayor of de, attended the opening ceremony of the China-Europe Art Dialogue Exhibition and delivered a speech.

The exhibition is sponsored by China Li Keran Painting Academy, China Guoyun Wenhua Painting and Calligraphy Academy, and co-organized by the All-Europe Chinese Professional Association Federation, the All-French China Network Association of Science and Technology Workers, Expert Invest Investment Company, and the Southern French Art and Literature Creation Center. It is co-organized by the Exchange Department of the China Culture and Art Development Promotion Association. The Cultural Department of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in France and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Marseille jointly support.

Mr. Xu Shi exhibited his latest recent creation of Nature in this French exhibition. The music series of works introduced the creation process, creative experience and the expression methods of new painting materials and techniques to the artists and friends from all walks of life in the exhibition. Everyone exchanged art with each other in a warm and friendly atmosphere and enhanced the friendship between the artists of the two countries.










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